This Tutorial on EXTEND DRUNK is in \htmltuts\drunk with all soundfiles made (forward slashes in HTML links and a UNIX shell). All examples use Mode 1, called 'drunken walk' in Soundshaper and 'completely drunk' in Sound Loom. The HTML text with index will come up when you double-click on drunktut.htm.
The infile used here is count.wav (8.066 sec, mono, SR=44100). In this file a female voice counts from 1 to 10. This will help us to identify where the segments are coming from. If you use another file, ensure that it is 8 seconds long or you will have to adjust all the breakpoint files.
Both Sound Loom and Soundshaper have presets with which to realise these examples for yourself. In Soundshaper, Load drunk.dat, located in the \drunk tutorial folder, (c:\cdpr5\htmltuts\drunk) if you have kept to the original installation setup. In Sound Loom, the presets are called 'Patches' and are placed in the _cdpatch folder with the same names. These are loaded from inside the program dialogue box.For Soundshaper, Release 5 includes a config file called drunk.cfg. You can use this, or make your own (save as 'Personal'), to set up using the Tutorial and making your own sounds with EXTEND DRUNK. All the sounds and the other files used by the Tutorial are in c:\cdpr5\htmltuts\drunk. Then Load the global Presets file drunk.dat which should be in that folder and run Soundfiles > Extend > Drunk. When you click on the Presets button, you will find the 8 presets prepared for this tutorial. When you open a Preset, such as drunk1, double-check that the path to the .brk files matches your setup. You have to have placed everything in the locations described above if the Presets are to work as is. The last preset, to pan Example 7 is drunk7pan. You will find it when you go to the Pan program: Edit/Mix > Space > Pan. If you make the same sounds as in the Tutorial, remember to save them to a slightly different name.
To run these examples in Sound Loom, you can open the Drunk Tutorial directory and copy ('Grab') count.wav (or a similar sound of the same length) onto the Workspace. You should also copy ('Grab') the supporting breakpoint files:
locus1.brk, locus2.brk, locus3.brkonto the Workspace. Then put count.wav on the Chosen Files list, press Process and select the EXTEND > drunkwalk > completely drunk process. The Patches are loaded from within the DRUNK dialogue box.
ambitus1.brk, ambitus2.brk, ambitus3.brk, ambitus4.brk, ambitus5.brk
step1.brk, step2.brk, step3.brk, step4.brk, step5.brk
clock1.brk, clock2.brk, clock3.brk, clock4.brk, clock5.brk
panex7.brkFor Command Line operation, change directory ('cd') to c:\cdpr5\htmltuts\drunk or put all files into some other directory and go there. Then run the batch file drunk.bat by typing drunk on the command line. To run them one at a time, put 'REM' at the beginning of the command lines you don't want to run.
DRUNK is a segmentation program that enables you to set:
All of these parameters can vary over time.
- where to focus the segmentation action in the original sound: = locus. This is called 'starttime' in Soundshaper.
- the range in which the segmentation action can take place: = ambitus, which is the length in seconds on either side of the locus. This is called 'half-width' in Soundshaper.
- the distance between segments, which relates to the amount of the ambitus range used (i.e., scatter) = step. To use the full amount, the step value will be 2 x ambitus. Thus the locations from which the segments are taken in the original file are 'scattered' within this range.
- the time between segments (and therefore segment size itself) = clock, i.e., the speed of movement from one event to the next. This is called 'segsize' in Soundshaper.
Sound Loom/Soundshaper: Load the Patch/Preset drunk1
EXAMPLE 1 MOVE: Our first example illustrates the above behaviour by setting a fairly narrow ambitus range (0.25) and using all of it (step = ambitus x 2 = 0.5) with a fairly rapid rate of segmentation: clock = 0.2. This is applied with a changing locus position, moving forward through the original file: 1.5 to 3.5 to 5.5 to 7.5.
A note about the changing locus position may be useful. It is set forth in a breakpoint file, and like any CDP breakpoint file, to hold a value constant over a given time period, you need different times (start and end of the time period) with the same value. If there are different values at different time, the program will interpolate (move gradually) between the values over the given time period. In this case, we want to hold the locus position steady over the time period, to help make the movement of the locus from one position to another easy to hear. Thus our breakpoint file locus1.brk looks like this:
locus1.brk 0.0 1.50 6.9 1.50 7.0 3.50 13.9 3.50 14.0 5.50 20.9 5.50 21.0 7.50The column on the left comprises times in the outfile: where the segments go. The column on the right comprises locus positions in the infile: where the segments come from.The command line for Example 1 therefore looks like this:
INF OUTF OUTLEN LOCUS AMBITUS STEP CLOCKextend drunk 1 count cd1 25 locus1.brk 0.25 0.5 0.2
And this is how it sounds: PLAY cd1.mp3
EXAMPLE 2 WIDEN & SPEED UP: move gradually through the infile, with ambitus increasing and step similarly widening so as to make use of the larger range (therefore more scattered), while clock (timing & therefore segment size) decreases: the events are more scattered in origin but closer together in event-time, and shorter.
Sound Loom/SoundShaper: Load the Patch/Preset drunk2.
It is very important to remember that in the locus parameter, the left column is time in the outfile and the right column is time in the infile.
locus1.brk ambitus1.brk step1.brk clock1.brk 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.22 0.0 0.44 0.0 0.3 6.9 1.5 6.9 0.22 6.9 0.44 6.9 0.3 7.0 3.5 7.0 0.44 7.0 0.88 7.0 0.2 13.9 3.5 13.9 0.44 13.9 0.88 13.9 0.2 14.0 5.5 14.0 0.66 14.0 1.32 14.0 0.1 20.9 5.5 20.9 0.66 20.9 1.32 20.9 0.1 21.0 7.5 21.0 0.88 21.0 1.76 21.0 0.05extend drunk 1 count cd2 25 locus1.brk ambitus1.brk step1.brk clock1.brk
Listen to Example 2 WIDEN & SPEED UP: PLAY cd2.mp3
EXAMPLE 3 In this example, short segments (fast clock) are INCREASINGLY SCATTERED within the constant full width (2 * ambitus) available around each locus: step gets larger within a constant ambitus. Ambitus is set to 1.32, so the full width is 2.64 sec. of the original soundfile.
Sound Loom/Soundshaper: Load the Patch/Preset drunk3.
locus1.brk step2.brk clock2.brk 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.22 0.0 0.05 6.9 1.5 6.9 0.22 6.9 0.05 7.0 3.5 7.0 0.66 7.0 0.1 13.9 3.5 13.9 0.66 13.9 0.1 14.0 5.5 14.0 1.32 14.0 0.15 20.9 5.5 20.9 1.32 20.9 0.15 21.0 7.5 21.0 1.76 21.0 0.1extend drunk 1 count cd3 25 locus1.brk 1.32 step2.brk clock2.brk
The segments undergo INCREASED SCATTER in Example 3: PLAY cd3.mp3
EXAMPLE 4 HOVERING: tiny segments (fast clock) are located very close to each other in the original sound because of the small steps taken within the mid-sized ambitus range around each locus. Very little of the available ambitus range available here is actually used. Values alternate, giving a hovering effect.
Sound Loom/Soundshaper: Load the Patch/Preset drunk4.
locus2.brk ambitus3.brk step3.brk clock3.brk 0.0 5.0 0.0 1.33 0.0 0.22 0.0 0.1 6.9 5.0 6.9 1.33 6.9 0.22 6.9 0.1 7.0 2.5 7.0 0.88 7.0 0.35 7.0 0.2 13.9 2.5 13.9 0.88 13.9 0.35 13.9 0.2 14.0 5.0 14.0 1.33 14.0 0.44 14.0 0.1 20.9 5.0 20.9 1.33 20.9 0.44 20.9 0.1 21.0 2.5 21.0 0.88 21.0 0.35 21.0 0.05extend drunk 1 count cd4 25 locus2.brk ambitus3.brk step3.brk clock3.brk
Hovering Example 4: PLAY cd4.mp3
EXAMPLE 5 EXPANSION outward from the centre: central locus (set at 4 sec. in the original sound), and the other parameters move from smaller to larger.
Sound Loom/Soundshaper: Load the Patch/Preset drunk5.
ambitus4.brk step4.brk clock4.brk 0.0 1 0.0 2 0.0 0.05 6.9 1 6.9 2 6.9 0.05 7.0 2 7.0 4 7.0 0.1 13.9 2 13.9 4 13.9 0.1 14.0 3 14.0 6 14.0 0.2 20.9 3 20.9 6 20.9 0.2 21.0 4 21.0 8 21.0 0.3extend drunk 1 count cd5 25 4 ambitus4.brk step4.brk clock4.brk
EXPANDING Example 5: PLAY cd5.mp3
EXAMPLE 6 CONTRACTING inwards towards the centre: central locus, also set at 4 sec., and the other parameters move from larger to smaller.
Sound Loom/Soundshaper: Load the Patch/Preset drunk6.
ambitus5.brk step5.brk clock5.brk 0.0 4 0.0 8 0.0 0.3 6.9 4 6.9 8 6.9 0.3 7.0 3 7.0 6 7.0 0.2 13.9 3 13.9 6 13.9 0.2 14.0 2 14.0 4 14.0 0.1 20.9 2 20.9 4 20.9 0.1 21.0 1 21.0 2 21.0 0.05extend drunk 1 count cd6 25 4 ambitus5.brk step5.brk clock5.brk
CONTRACTION in Example 6: PLAY cd6.mp3
EXAMPLE 7 SWING forwards and backwards through the file. A new locus breakpoint file is created to achieve this. It is notably different from the previous two. In the first place, it interpolates: different values at different times. Secondly, it moves backwards through the file as well as forwards yes, this is allowed! Tight, constant values for ambitus (0.25), step (0.1) and clock (0.08) focus like a moving searchlight on the part of the file being used at any given time. The rate of swing expands and contracts a bit due to the timing in locus3.brk.
Also notice that the extreme ends of the original soundfile are used as loci positions. Positions within the ambitus that go beyond these extremes are forced back inside the soundfile. This was done to ensure that we heard the 'one' and the 'ten' as much as possible.
I know of no other way that this effect could be achieved with the CDP software. To clarify what is happening, we finish off by panning the file between Left and Right, using the same times as in locus3.brk. The panning is, of course, done in a separate step.
Sound Loom/Soundshaper: Load the Patch/Preset drunk7.
locus3.brk panex7.brk 0 0 0 -1 3 8 3 1 6 0 6 -1 10 8 10 1 14 0 14 -1 17 8 17 1 20 0 20 -1 25 8 25 1extend drunk 1 count cd7 25 locus3.brk 0.25 0.1 0.08
modify space 1 cd7 cd7pan panex7.brkSWING in Example 7: PLAY cd7.mp3
Panned SWING in Example 7: PLAY cd7pan.mp3
My thanks to Eitan Teomi whose queries helped me to understand DRUNK better
and to improve the documentation, and to Trevor Wishart for converting the
command lines to Sound Loom Patches. [AE]