The CDP Sound Transformation & Editing Software is designed to transform sounds for musical purposes. The objectives are therefore a precise control of sonic parameters along with a time-varying suppleness that enables the sounds to change and breathe.
The examples below largely illustrate how the computer has enabled composers to move beyond the classic tape studio techniques which are still essential to a wider range of spectral (frequency + amplitude), time-varying, and semi-automatic processing (granulation, texture building).
TOURThese examples provide a brief tour of some of the processes available in the CDP software, with detailed explanations of how the results are achieved. In practice, the precise sculpting of sounds each process makes possible is often fed into another process (indefinitely) until the desired result is obtained.
You can begin with FILTERS and continue sequentially from example to example or select examples at random by returning to the list below.
- FILTERS time-varying user-specified filter banks to harmonise a sound
- DISTORTION multifarious distortions based on waveshapes
- ENVELOPES tricks with amplitude and spectral envelopes
- STRETCHING time-varying time-stretching
- MORPHS morphs, bridges and interleaves between sounds
- SEGMENTATION drunken walk soundfile segmentations
- GRANULATION granular sound streams
- TUNING tuning spectra to chords
- TEXTURES building complex textures with sound segments, melodic motifs, chords and rhythms