CDP Sound Example TEXTURES
Multi-event Texture with
chord changes |
Single marimba stroke |
Texture with chord changes |
- This multi-event texture begins with widely spaced events
which become tighter in pitch range and increasingly dense over
5 seconds. Then the events focus on a 4-note chord harmony with the
events coming so fast that the chord is audible. This chord
changes to another and then to a third chord. After this the
note events spread again into a wider pitch range, becoming less
dense. The whole sound thus forms a tri-partite, symmetric
changing texture: a period of compression, three chords, and
a period of expansion.
- Notice how the note data file defines the four pitch (harmonic)
sets: one from G below Middle C to High C, used at time 0 sec and
at time 10 sec, the 4-pitch chord C-D-F-G used at 5 sec
and 8.5 sec., flanking and the 5-pitch chord C-C#-Eb-F#-G heard
at 7 sec. (See the note data file below.)
- Now imagine if you will what might happen if, in place of each
single note, there were a choice of defined rhythmic motifs. The
program would select among these motifs at random, thus mixing
them unpredictably, creating both variety and much more overlap
in the events. You would probably want to play with the density
('packing') parameter in order to control the way the overlaps
occurred. Thus you may begin to see the tremendous scope and
variety achievable with the TEXTURE program suite.
Additional Information
(Click on image to view fullsize)
- changing harmonic sets (chords)
- note event density is generally short and varies over time
- outer pitch contours are set by the low and high pitch
breakpoint files
- 0.05 scatter is a 'humanise' function
- volume range is wide: (from MIDI velocity 44 to 84)
- the entire length of the input sound is used for every
note event. With longer sounds, this leads to more overlap
and audible harmony.
Note Data File (defines reference pitch & harmonic grid)
60 [MIDI Note Value of Input Sound]
#35 [Time-changing harmonic grid]
0 1 55 0 0 [pitch set grid at start]
0 1 57 0 0
0 1 58 0 0
0 1 60 0 0
0 1 62 0 0
0 1 63 0 0
0 1 65 0 0
0 1 67 0 0
0 1 69 0 0
0 1 70 0 0
0 1 72 0 0
5 1 60 0 0 [chord C-D-F-G at 5 sec.]
5 1 62 0 0
5 1 65 0 0
5 1 67 0 0
7 1 60 0 0 [chord C-C#-Eb-F#-G at 7 sec.]
7 1 61 0 0
7 1 63 0 0
7 1 66 0 0
7 1 67 0 0
8.5 1 60 0 0 [chord C-D-F-G repeated at 8.5 sec.]
8.5 1 62 0 0
8.5 1 65 0 0
8.5 1 67 0 0
10 1 55 0 0 [original pitch set grid repeated at 10 sec.]
10 1 57 0 0
10 1 58 0 0
10 1 60 0 0
10 1 62 0 0
10 1 63 0 0
10 1 65 0 0
10 1 67 0 0
10 1 69 0 0
10 1 70 0 0
10 1 72 0 0
Breakpoint files (define time-varying contours)
[extex1dn.brk] [extex1pl.brk] [extex1ph.brk]
Time Density Time Pitchlow Time Pitchhigh
0.0 0.25 0.0 55 0.0 72
4.9 0.05 4.9 58 4.9 69
5.0 0.025 5.0 60 5.0 67
10.0 0.025 10.0 60 10.0 67
10.1 0.05 10.1 58 10.1 69
15.0 0.25 15.0 55 15.0 72