Goal: repetitive filter sweeps through a complex glissing sound.
A fairly complex input sound such as asrcmix.wav, our basic complex input soundfile, gives this Sound-Builder Template plenty to work with when it creates internal glissandi with FOCUS ACCU. The blurring, stretching and filter sweeps then draw out all these internal motions. A simpler input sound would create smoother, possibly less interesting results, but this is for you to explore and relate to your compositional goals at the time.
The MS-DOS Batch File that can be used to run this Template is glissswp.bat, with glisssdel.bat as its accompanying deletions file. In the Sound Loom GUI, the processing sequence can be constructed as an Instrument. Otherwise, you can run each process one at a time.
The output file names are built from abbreviations of the processes used.
Make a copy of the input soundfile, giving it a single letter name.
Here we use the letter 'd' because this is the 4th Template in the current series.
It is presumed that the input is mono and begins and ends smoothly, i.e., without a click or being suddenly cut off. We only have to name the outfile. The default values for the copy procedure are used. because no change to the format is being made, i.e., sampletype = 1, header = 0 and formatout = 0. The outfile name is specified. The .wav extension is added automatically.
Dialogue box:
Default parameters
New name is 'd.wav'Command:
rem function infile outfile
copysfx asrcmix.wav d.wav
Analyse soundfile to create an analysis file
We now move from a time amplitude file format (time domain, normal sample data) to a frequency amplitude format (Spectral Domain). Now we can use some of the Spectral Domain functions.
Dialogue box:
Convert to analysis data format
rem function mode insoundfile outanalfile
pvoc anal 1 d d.anaNote that the .wav extension is not needed for the input soundfile. The CDP soundfile extension has been set as an environment variable, so it is picked up automatically. The same would be true if the soundfile were in .aif format and the soundfile extension had been set to .aif. The analysis file sounds exactly like the original soundfile.
Create internal glissandi by accumulating analysis data
Here we use FOCUS ACCU, which sustains analysis data across several analysis 'windows'. This is mainly achieved with the decay parameter, the rate at which the sustained data fades away (Default = 1, but it can be as low as 0.001: lower values slow down the decay rate. Here we use 0.9.
There is also a glissando parameter that introduces a glissando at gliss octaves per second. Large values create big sweeps, but here we use a value just under 1: 0.9, because it produces slow internal glissandi. Values less than 1, such as -0.9, produce even slower glissandi, but here the plan is to create a churning effect and introduce slow glissandi with FILTER SWEEP. Gliss values above 2 start to produce unpredicable results.
Dialogue box:
Internal glissandi
rem function mode inanalfile outanalfile
focus accu d.ana daccu.ana -d0.9 -g0.9PLAY daccu.ana (now seething and churning) New name: 'd+accu' (Note that the full batch file has resynthesised the analysis file so that you can play this sound from the HTML file.)
Reduce recognisability by blurring
Too much blurring and we will counteract the churning effect just created. Here blur 100 windows to draw out some features of the sound and reducing our ability to identify the source material, while retaining a fair amount of the churning in the original source, and enhanced by FOCUS ACCU.
Dialogue box:
rem function inanalfile outanalfile blur_factor
blur blur daccu.ana daccubl100.ana 100PLAY daccubl100.ana (analysis data is blurred)
New name: 'd accumulate blur_by_100_windows'
Lengthen internal features by time-stretching.
We now take the previous input and literally stretch out this now churning sound, so that all the changes taking place happen more slowly.
Dialogue box:
rem function mode inanalfile outanalfile stretch_factor
stretch time 1 daccubl100.ana daccubl100x3.ana 3We won't play it here because the next step will be to convert this analysis file back to the soundfile format.
Resynthesise the analysis file for Time Domain functions.
PVOC CONVERT is easy to use because the output filename is already in place: the same body of the name is used, but .ana is replaced with .wav.
Dialogue box:
Resynthesis to Time Domain
rem function inanalfile outsoundfile
pvoc synth daccubl100x3.ana daccubl100x3PLAY daccubl100x3.mp3 (time-stretched: internal change-rate lengthened)
New name: 'd accumulate blur time-stretch'
Lower and lengthen the sound by Time Domain transposition.
The process of lengthening the original sound, drawing out its internal features in time continues. By transposing the sound in the Time Domain, we make it deeper and richer as we lengthen it.
Dialogue box:
Transposition to lower, lengthen, and enrich the sound
rem function mode infile outfile semitone_transposition
modify speed 2 daccubl100x3 daccubl100x3d12 -12PLAY daccubl100x3d12.mp3 (deep, rich and still quite rough in texture)
New name: 'd+accumulate+blur+time-stretch+transpose_down'
Pass a sweeping filter through the sound.
Here we are able to set the rate at which the sweep occurs (sweep_freq), so we can introduce a pulsation effect as well as another type of glissandoing movement. We are using the time-stretched sound before it is transposed downwards as the input soundfile, so this forms an alternative route to a slightly different result.
There are several parameters to consider:
- acuity this is the slope of the filter, its 'sharpness', often referred to as 'Q'
- gain filters act to focus resonance, which can often cause overload; this parameter enables you to reduce the level when necessary
- low_freq lower limit of frequency band to be affected
- high_freq upper limit of frequency band to be affected
- sweep_freq rate in seconds at which the sweep occurs
- [phase] where along its path the sweep begins; the default (used here) is 0.25, which is mid-range, rising
Dialogue box:
Apply sweeping filter
rem function mode infile outfile acuity gain lof hif sweep_freq [-dphase]
filter sweeping 2 daccubl100x3 daccubl100x3swp 0.5 0.5 100 2000 0.25PLAY daccubl100x3swp.mp3 (a subtler and smoother result)
New name: 'd accumulate blur time-stretch filter_sweep'
Lower and lengthen the sweeping sound.
Again we lower and lengthen the sound by transposition in the Time Domain.
Dialogue box:
Enter the transposition amount in semitones
Final soundfile names for the processing sequence
rem function mode infile outfile semitone_transposition
modify speed 2 daccubl100x3swp daccubl100x3swpd12 -12PLAY daccubl100x3swpd12.mp3 (final result)
New name: 'd accumulate blur time-stretch filter_sweep transpose_down'
rem glissswp.bat - 'GLISS-SWEEP' - batch file for a processing rem sequence that produces a complex, glissing, blurred, rem sweeping sound -- 4th Sound-Builder Template rem Last updated: 18 August 2004 rem The source file should be several seconds long, mono. rem Consider using a softsnd batch file before or after this one. rem Sources: rem asrcmix.wav (12.6 sec) - basic source file with varied material rem aklcdp.wav (1.38 sec) - drumm rif rem bashdt.wav (1.5 sec) - strong metallic attacks rem frogcdt.wav (1.8 sec) - chirpy frog ribbets rem hoggdt.wav (3.7 sec) - deep hogg grunts rem tomcdt.wav (1.3 sec) - light drum tone rem touccdt.wav (3.0 sec) - timbrally rich bird call rem whdtm.wav (2.4 sec) - whirling tune rem Use glisssdel.bat to DELETE remaining files echo on rem Step 1 - COPY TO GENERIC NAME copysfx asrcmix.wav d.wav rem Step 2- ANALYSE pvoc anal 1 d.wav d.ana rem Step 3 - FOCUS ACCU params: delay & gliss focus accu d.ana daccu.ana -d0.9 -g0.9 rem RESYNTHESIS FOR AUDITION IN HTML DOCUMENT pvoc synth daccu.ana daccu.wav del d.ana rem Step 4 - BLUR BLUR param: no. of windows to blur blur blur daccu.ana daccubl100.ana 100 rem RESYNTHESIS FOR AUDITION PURPOSES IN HTML DOCUMENT pvoc synth daccubl100.ana daccubl100.wav del daccu.ana rem Step 5 - STRETCH TIME param: no. of times to stretch stretch time 1 daccubl100.ana daccubl100x3.ana 3 del daccubl100.ana rem Step 6 - RESYNTHESISE pvoc synth daccubl100x3.ana daccubl100x3.wav del daccubl100x3.ana rem Step 7a - TRANSPOSE IN TIME DOMAIN modify speed 2 daccubl100x3 daccubl100x3d12 -12 rem Result 1: complex, glissing entity playsfx daccubl100x3d12.wav rem OR: rem Step 7b - FILTER SWEEPING Mode 3 = Band Pass, Mode 2 = Low Pass rem FILTER SWEEPING params: acuity gain lof hif sweepfrq [phase .25] filter sweeping 2 daccubl100x3 daccubl100x3swp .5 .4 100 2000 0.25 rem Step 8 - TRANSPOSE IN TIME DOMAIN modify speed 2 daccubl100x3swp daccubl100x3swpd12 -12 rem Result 2: complex glissing entity, subtler and rem smoother than Result 1. playsfx daccubl100x3swpd12.wav echo off
Further fine-tuning of the result might typically include adding some reverb and directional movement (panning).
Step 1. | Copy | d.mp3 |
Step 2. | Analyse | d.ana |
Step 3. | Accumulate | daccu.ana |
Step 4. | Blur | daccubl100.ana |
Step 5. | Stretch Time | daccubl100x3.ana |
Step 6. | Resynthesise | daccubl100x3.mp3 |
Step 7a. | Transpose (Result 1) | daccubl100x3d12.mp3 |
Step 7b. | OR: Filter Sweep | daccubl100x3swp.mp3 |
Step 8. | Transpose (Result 2) | daccubl100x3swpd12.mp3 |
(by Robert Fraser, March 2016)
The Soundshaper screenshots used in this tutorial are out of date in two respects:
To run the GLISS-SWEEP chain of CDP processes in Soundshaper:
[After each step, you can play the result in the transport panel.]