A |
Back to Alphabet |
Accelerate a sound, changing its pitch | MODIFY SPEED Mode 5 |
Accumulate data by sustaining spectral bands, until louder data appears | FOCUS ACCU |
Add multi-channel distributed tremolo to a multi-channel file | FLUTTER FLUTTER |
Add silence to the beginning of a soundfile | PREFIX SILENCE |
Add silence to the end of a soundfile | SILEND SILEND |
Add soundfiles to an existing mixfile | SUBMIX ADDTOMIX |
Add vibrato to a multi-channel sound | STRANS MULTI |
Alias i.e., create a Windows shortcut to a soundfile | ALIAS |
Align grain-onsets in two grainy sounds | GRAIN ALIGN |
Alter loudness or balance of a sound | MODIFY LOUDNESS |
Alter rhythmic relationship of grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN RERHYTHM |
Alter spatial distribution of the sounds in a mixfile | SUBMIX SPACEWARP |
Alter the overall level of a mixfile | SUBMIX ATTENUATE |
Alter the timing of the sounds in a mixfile | SUBMIX TIMEWARP |
Alternate harmonics are deleted | PITCH ALTHARMS |
Ambisonic B-format, create output soundfile in | ABFPAN |
Analyse a soundfile to form an analysis file of spectral data | PVOC ANAL |
Analyse then resynthesise a sound with various specialist options | PVOC EXTRACT |
Apply a fixed or orbiting 1st order B-Formant pan to a mono soundfile | ABFPAN |
Apply a fixed or orbiting 2nd order B-Formant pan to a mono soundfile | ABFPAN2 |
Apply tremolo to a soundfile | ENVEL TREMOLO |
Apply width-controlled tremolo to a soundfile | TREMOLO TREMOLO |
Approximate copy of the pitch in a pitch datafile | REPITCH APPROX |
Arpeggiate the spectrum | HILITE ARPEG |
Assess best gate value for grain extraction | GRAIN ASSESS |
Attacks of sounds synchronised in a mixfile | SUBMIX SYNCATTACK |
Attenuate the overall level of a Csound score file | CSNDATTN |
Attenuate the overall level of a mixfile | SUBMIX ATTENUATE |
Average spectral energy over channels | BLUR AVERAGE |
Average waveshape over N pseudo-wavecycles | DISTORT AVERAGE |
B |
Back to Alphabet |
Back-to-back soundfile: backwards copy joined to forwards original | EXTEND BAKTOBAK |
Back up a several soundfiles into one file, separated by silence | HOUSEKEEP BAKUP |
Balance by bringing max level of sound 1 to that of sound 2 | MODIFY LOUDNESS Mode 5 |
Balance the levels of two soundfiles in a mix, the 2nd being the inverse level of the 1st | SUBMIX BALANCE |
Band by splitting the spectrum into bands and processing these individually | HILITE BAND |
Bare harmonics by zeroing cata in channels without harmonics | SPEC BARE |
Batch file expansion by adjusting soundfiles or parameters | HOUSEKEEP BATCHEXPAND |
Blur & Trace by time-averaging (blurring) and keeping N channels | HILITE BLTR |
Blur the sound by time-averaging the spectrum | BLUR BLUR |
Brassage for granular reconstitution of a soundfile in various ways | MODIFY BRASSAGE Modes 5-7 |
Brassage with more than one input soundfile | MODIFY SAUSAGE |
Brassage with (moving) multi-channel output | WRAPPAGE |
Breakpoint file graphic editor (Windows 95 systems) | BRKEDIT |
Bridge between 2 time-specified analysis windows in 2 files by interpolation | MORPH BRIDGE |
Bundle soundfile names into various groups, saving as a textfile | HOUSEKEEP BUNDLE |
C |
Back to Alphabet |
Change channel assignments in a multi-channel setup | FRAME SHIFT Mode 3 |
Change duration of a grainy sound, without altering the length of the grains | GRAIN TIMEWARP |
Change order sequence of grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN REORDER |
Change pitch of grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN REPITCH |
Change properties of a soundfile (sample rate/type or channels) | HOUSEKEEP RESPEC |
Change rhythm of grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN RERHYTHM |
Change speed or pitch of a multi-channel sound | STRANS MULTI |
Channel (analysis) corresponding to a given frequency | SPECINFO CHANNEL |
Channel loudest in a stereo file identified | SNDINFO LOUDCHAN |
Channels comparison in a stereo file: do they differ? | SNDINFO CDIFF |
Chop out sound material around FOF-grains and save as separate soundfiles | PSOW CHOP |
Chord generated from a simple waveform | SYNTH CHORD |
Chord made by mixing transposed spectra inside original spectral envelope | PITCH CHORDF |
Chord made by mixing transposed spectra (without keeping original spectral envelope) | PITCH CHORD |
Chorus effect by randomised amps/frqs of partials | BLUR CHORUS |
Clean out noise from a PVOC analysis file | SPEC CLEAN |
Clean persisting noise that falls below a threshold | SPECNU CLEAN |
Click track made from tempo, meter & barring data | SYNTH CLICKS |
Clip the signal with noise / waveform | DISTORT OVERLOAD |
Combine FOF-grains in sound 1 with the pitch outline of sound 2 | PSOW REPLACE |
Combine pitch information & a single-moment formant to generate a new sound | ONEFORM COMBINE |
Combine pitch & transposition data, producing binary output | REPITCH COMBINE |
Combineb pitch & transposition data, producing breakpoint (text) output | REPITCH COMBINEB |
Combine stereo files into a multi-channel output | MCHSTEREO |
Combine the formant and/or total spectral envelopes of two spectra | SPECTWIN SPECTWIN |
Compare the channels of a stereo soundfile | CHANDIFF |
Concatenate multiple soundfiles, with optional CUE list for CD burning | NJOIN |
Concatenate soundfiles into one backup file, with silences between | HOUSEKEEP BAKUP |
Constrict the durations of silences within a sound | CONSTRICT |
Convert between ring- & bilaterally-numbered outchans | FRAME SHIFT Mode 5 |
Convert between various types of value or musical units | SNDINFO UNITS |
Convert binary envelope file to text with dB values | ENVEL ENVTODB |
Convert binary envelope file to text | ENVEL ENVTOBRK |
Convert binary pitch data to a text file | REPITCH PCHTOTEXT |
Convert binary pitch file to a time frequency breakpoint text file | PITCHINFO CONVERT |
Convert binary pitch file to a breakpoint text file with zeros (for PSOW) | PTOBRK |
Convert breakpoint pitch text file to a binary pitch file | BRKTOPI |
Convert formant file to pseudo-soundfile to view formant patterns | FORMANTS SEE |
Convert level of analysis file to 'soundfile' for viewing | SPECINFO LEVEL |
Convert list of soundfiles to a mixfile | SUBMIX ATSTEP |
Convert listed soundfiles to a basic mixfile on a timed grid, for editing | SUBMIX ONGRID |
Convert mono soundfile to a multi-channel equivalent | MTON |
Convert mono soundfile to stereo | HOUSEKEEP CHANNEL Mode 5 |
Convert pitch or transposition file to a pseudo-soundfile for viewing | PITCHINFO SEE |
Convert properties of a soundfile (sample rate/type or channels) | HOUSEKEEP RESPEC |
Convert sample position to time position in a soundfile | SNDINFO SMPTIME |
Convert soundfile to a WAVE-EX format | COPYSFX |
Convert spectral file into a soundfile | PVOC SYNTH |
Convert stereo soundfile to mono | HOUSEKEEP CHANNEL Mode 4 |
Convert (text) breakpoint envelope file to binary | ENVEL BRKTOENV |
Convert (text) breakpoint envelope file with gain values to dB values | ENVEL GAINTODB |
Convert (text) breakpoint file with dB values to binary | ENVEL DBTOENV |
Convert (text) breakpoint file with dB values to gain values | ENVEL DBTOGAIN |
Convert time position to sample position in a soundfile | SNDINFO TIMESMP |
Convolve one sound with an impulse soundfile or another sound | FASTCONV |
Copy soundfile with format conversion options | COPYSFX |
Copy soundfile with option to make/delete multiple copies | HOUSEKEEP COPY |
Count grains found in a grainy sound (at given gate and minhole) | GRAIN COUNT |
Create a clicktrack | SYNTH CLICKS |
Create a multi-channel mixfile | MULTIMIX CREATE |
Create a multi-channel soundfile from a mono input | MTON |
Create a sequence of repeated envelopes, in a binary envelope file | ENVEL CYCLIC |
Create a 'shortcut' to a soundfile [PC only] | ALIAS |
Create a spectrum by following the pitch contour in a pitch data file | REPITCH SYNTH |
Create a spectrum with vowels while following the pitch contour in a pitch data file | REPITCH VOWELS |
Create an amplitude envelope | ENVEL CREATE |
Create binary pitch data from a textfile of time midi value pairs | REPITCH GENERATE |
Create motifs with the grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN REMOTIF |
Create multi-channel echoes or reverb | MCHANREV |
Create one soundfile from several cut segments | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 3 |
Create several soundfiles from one cut segment | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 1 |
Create several soundfiles from several cut segment | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 2 |
Create silence by replacing noise in a pitch data file | REPITCH NOISETOSIL |
Create silence in a (mono) soundfile by suppressing noise and replacing with silence | SFEDIT NOISECUT |
Create textures over a multi-channel frame | TEXMCHAN |
Cross by replacing channel amps of 1st file with those of 2nd | COMBINE CROSS |
Cross from one pitched analysis file towards another | SPECROSS PARTIALS |
Crossfade two soundfiles | SUBMIX CROSSFADE |
Cross Modulate by multiplying two soundfile, creating sidebands | MODIFY RADICAL Mode 6 |
Curtail a soundfile by fading to zero at some time within it | ENVEL CURTAIL |
Cut at zero-crossings and keep a segment from a MONO soundfile | SFEDIT ZCUT |
Cut at zero-crossings and keep segments from a MONO soundfile | SFEDIT ZCUTS |
Cut a Csound score file into two parts | CSNDCHOP |
Cut holes in a soundfile in the manner of a cantor set | CANTOR SET |
Cut one segment and make several soundfiles with it | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 1 |
Cut several segments and make one soundfile from them | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 3 |
Cut several segments and make several soundfile from them | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 2 |
Cut soundfile into disjunct segments | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 4 |
Cut soundfile into disjunct overlapping segments | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 5 |
Cut soundfile randomly and reassemble in multi-channel space | MCHSHRED SHRED |
Cut sound around FOF-grains and save as separate soundfiles | PSOW CHOP |
Cut N random chunks and save as separate soundfiles | SFEDIT RANDCHUNKS |
Cut random average lengths and save as separate soundfiles | SFEDIT RANDCUTS |
Cut out and keep a segment of a pitch data file | REPITCH CUT |
Cut out and keep a segment of a soundfile | SFEDIT CUT |
Cut out and keep a segment of a soundfile, with no splicing | SFEDIT ZCUT |
Cut out and keep the end of a soundfile | SFEDIT CUTEND |
Cut out and keep several segments of a sound | SFEDIT CUTMANY |
Cut out a segment of a soundfile and close up the gap | SFEDIT EXCISE |
Cut out noise in a soundfile and replace by silence | SFEDIT NOISECUT |
Cut out several segments from a soundfile and close up the gaps | SFEDIT EXCISES |
Cut section out of an analysis file | SPEC CUT |
Cut soundfile at zero amplitude points | HOUSEKEEP GATE |
Cut out a FOF-grain chunk at a precise grain time | PSOW CUTATGRAIN |
Cyclecnt to determine the number of pseudo-wavecycles in a soundfile | DISTORT CYCLECNT |
Cyclic envelopes (repeated) within a sound | ENVEL CYCLIC |
D |
Back to Alphabet |
Decay to zero with a true exponential curve | ENVNU EXPDECAY |
Decode 1st or 2nd order B-Format soundfile to a choice of speaker layouts | FMDCODE |
Deglitch a soundfile (attempt to) | HOUSEKEEP DEGLITCH |
Delete a proportion of FOF-grains from a soundfile | PSOW DELETE |
Delete pseudo-wavecycles from a soundfile | DISTORT DELETE |
Delay lines used to create reverberation and echoes | MODIFY REVECHO Mode 1 |
Delay lines, multi-tapped | TAPDELAY |
Delay with pitch-defined output sound | NEWDELAY NEWDELAY |
Difference between two channels of a stereo soundfile? | SNDINFO CHANDIFF |
Difference between two (non-text) files? | SNDINFO DIFF |
Difference between two spectra | COMBINE DIFF |
Difference in duration of two soundfiles shown | SNDINFO TIMEDIFF |
Disk space available displayed | HOUSEKEEP DISK |
Disperse a mono signal into fragments spread over N-channel space | FRACTURE FRACTURE |
Display fraction of zero-crossings in a sound | SNDINFNO ZCROSS |
Display information about pitch data in a binary pitch file | PITCHINFO INFO |
Display list of all CDP-format files with their properties | DIRSF |
Display maximum level and gain information for a soundfile | SNDINFO MAXSAMP |
Display properties of a soundfile | SNDINFO PROPS |
Display (the correct) format for a mixfile | SUBMIX FILEFORMAT |
Display soundfile details, with WAVE_EX speaker positions | SFPROPS |
Display time-varying amplitude of spectrum, within 8ve bands | SPECINFO OCTVU |
Display window count of an analysis file | SPECINFO WINDOWCNT |
Distort a soundfile by manipulating pseudo-wavecycles See the options for the DISTORT group name |
Distribute alternate FOF-grains in a sound over a stereo space | PSOW SPACE |
Distribute a soundfile in in a sinusoidal pattern | MODIFY SPACEFORM |
Distribute N source files in a panorama across a specified angle of a sound-surround loudspeaker array | PANORAMA PANORAMA |
Divide a Csound score file into two parts | CSNDCHOP |
Divide an analysis file into individual frequency bands and save as separate files | SPECNU SLICE |
Divide a sound into segments that repeat, and splice them together | EXTEND DOUBLETS |
Divide 'wavecycle' frequency to cause distortion | DISTORT DIVIDE |
Doppler effect by pitch-shifted repetitions of a mono soundfile on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT DOPPLER |
Doppler effect with pitch-shifted repetitions on a path into and across an 8-channel array, with filtering, suggesting greater distance |
Doppler (pitch) shift effect on a panned soundfile | DSHIFT |
Dovetail a soundfile by enveloping its beginning and end | ENVEL DOVETAIL |
Drunken walk along analysis windows | BLUR DRUNK |
Drunken walk along sample data | EXTEND DRUNK |
Dummy (template) mixfile made from list of soundfile names | SUBMIX DUMMY |
Duplicate FOF-grains, thereby time-stretching the sound; also transposes | PSOW DUPL |
Duplicate grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN DUPLICATE |
Duration ability to specify the duration of the
outfile See: Drunk, Iterate, Loop, Scramble, Zigzag |
Back to Alphabet |
Duration of sound, analysis, envelope, pitch formant or transposition file | SNDINFO LEN |
Durations of several soundfiles listed | SNDINFO LENS |
Durations of several soundfiles summed | SNDINFO SUMLEN |
E |
Back to Alphabet |
Echoes in multi-channel space | MCHANREV |
Echoes in large spaces, such as a stadium | MODIFY REVECHO |
Echoes made by repeating a sound with timing and level adjustments | SFECHO ECHO |
Eliminate channel data below a certain threshold amplitude | SPEC GATE |
Eliminate from source file any persisting signal that falls below a threshold | SPECNU CLEAN |
Eliminate noise below a threshold and subtract the amplitude of the noise | SPECNU SUBTRACT |
Emphasize attack of a sound | ENVEL ATTACK |
Emphasize onsets of partials with pluck effect | HILITE PLUCK |
Emphasize start of sound with pluck effect on amplitude envelope | ENVEL PLUCK |
Ends of a soundfile, remove clicks from | HOUSEKEEP ENDCLICKS |
Enhance stereo separation of a sound | PHASE Mode 2 |
Enter a list of soundfile names to create template mixfile | SUBMIX DUMMY |
Envelope: See Create, Dovetail, Emphasize, Impose, Put, Scaled, Warp | Back to Alphabet |
Envelope a soundfile to create a shuddering effect | MODIFY SHUDDER |
Envelope independently in a multi-channel setup | FRAME SHIFT Mode 7 |
Envelope 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT ENVEL |
Envelope (window-loudness) extracted from an analysis file | REPITCH ANALENV |
Estimate best gate value for grain extraction | GRAIN ASSESS |
Exaggerate the contour of the spectral envelope | FOCUS EXAG |
Exaggerate the pitch contour of a binary pitch data file | REPITCH EXAG |
Excise a segment of a soundfile and close up the gap | SFEDIT EXCISE |
Excise several segments from a soundfile and close up the gaps | SFEDIT EXCISES |
Expand a batchfile by adjusting soundfiles or parameters | HOUSEKEEP BATCHEXPAND |
Expand time of input file (without changing the pitch) | STRETCH TIME |
Exponential decay to zero applied to a sound | ENVNU EXPDECAY |
Extend a sound by iterating a segment in a fluid manner | EXTEND FREEZE |
Extend a soundfile by sequencing it, with timed transpositions | EXTEND SEQUENCE |
Extend by zigzagging, reassembling in randomised multi-channel space | MCHZIG ZAG |
Extend (first) noise component found in vocal material | GRAIN NOISE_EXTEND |
Extend several soundfiles by sequencing them, with timed transpositions | EXTEND SEQUENCE2 |
Extend soundfile by joining backwards version to forwards original | EXTEND BAKTOBAK |
Extend sounds that are (already) iterative by focusing on the iterative material | GRAIN R_EXTEND |
Extract amplitude envelope from soundfile | ENVEL EXTRACT |
Extract a channel from a soundfile | HOUSEKEEP CHANNEL Mode 1 |
Extract all channels from a soundfile, creating separate soundfiles | HOUSEKEEP CHANNEL Mode 2 |
Extract all or several channels from a multi-channel soundfile | CHANNELX |
Extract formant-envelope at a specific time in a CDP formant file | ONEFORM GET |
Extract harmonic partials from a pitched source | GET_PARTIALS |
Extract pitch data from spectral data, insofar as this is possible | REPITCH GETPITCH |
Extract evolving formant envelope from an analysis file | FORMANTS GET |
Extract formants from analysis file to pseudo-soundfile for viewing | FORMANTS GETSEE |
Extract peaks in a sound | PEAK EXTRACT |
Extract significant sound from a recording, etc. | HOUSEKEEP EXTRACT |
Extract specific data options in an analysis-resynthesis cycle | PVOC EXTRACT |
Extract the window-loudness envelope of analysis file | REPITCH ANALENV |
F |
Back to Alphabet |
Fade into and out from a peak moment | ENVEL SWELL |
'Faders' time-varying level-balance changes in a mixfile | SUBMIX FADERS |
Features added to a FOF-grain type soundfile | PSOW FEATURES |
Filter out 'wavecycles' of certain lengths to cause distortion | DISTORT FILTER |
Filter: See Fixed, Generate, Iterated, Phasing, Sweep | Back to Alphabet |
Filter with a bank of filters & time-varying Q | FILTER BANK |
Filter highpass, fixed frequencies (lower frqs are removed) | FILTER LOHI |
Filter lowpass, fixed frequencies (higher frqs are removed) | FILTER LOHI |
Filter the spectrum | HILITE FILTER (12 Modes) |
Filter with a user-defined bank of filters & time-varying Q | USERBANK |
Filter with VARIBANK using fixed randomised filterbank files | FILTRAGE FILTRAGE Mode 1 |
Filtered repetitions of a mono soundfile placed on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT FILTERED |
Filter with VARIBANK using time-varying randomised filterbank files | FILTRAGE FILTRAGE Mode 2 |
Filter with user-defined time-varying bank of filters, with time-variable Q | FILTER VARIBANK |
Filter with text datafiles made for fixed-pitch FILTER VARIBANK filters | FILTER VFILTERS |
Filter with variable frequency (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch) | FILTER VARIABLE |
Filter using convolution for FIR linear-phase filtering | FASTCONV |
Find and display fraction of zero-crossings in a sound | SNDINFNO ZCROSS |
Find difference between two spectra | COMBINE DIFF |
Find difference in duration of two soundfiles | SNDINFO TIMEDIFF |
Find exact start time of the nearest FOF-grain | PSOW LOCATE |
Find frequencies of the most prominent peaks and output as a text file | NEWMORPH NEWMORPH2 Mode 1 |
Find 'grains' and extend the area that surrounds them | GREXTEND EXTEND |
Find 'grains' (such as vocal syllables) and manipulate them | GRAIN GREV |
Find 'hole': largest area of low-level signal in a soundfile | SNDINFO FINDHOLE |
Find maximum level in a soundfile | SNDINFO MAXSAMP |
Find maximum level in a soundfile between specified time points | SNDINFO MAXSAMP2 |
Find peaks in a sound and extract them | PEAK EXTRACT |
Find peaks of time-varying energy centre of spectrum | SPECINFO PEAK |
Find stereo pan-position of a sound in a (moving) stereo file | MODIFY FINDPAN |
Find sum of two spectra | COMBINE SUM |
Find time locations of grain-onsets in a grainy sound (and write as textfile) | GRAIN FIND |
Find times of the loudness peaks in a soundfile | PEAKFIND |
Fix pitch data in a binary pitch data file | REPITCH FIX |
Fixed filter, cut or boost around a given frequency | FILTER FIXED |
FOF transformations added to a FOF-grain type soundfile | PSOW FEATURES |
Focus spectral energy onto peaks in spectrum | FOCUS FOCUS |
Fold spectral components into specified range by 8ve transposition | FOCUS FOLD |
Follow the pitch contour in a pitch data file while making a spectrum with vowels | REPITCH VOWELS |
Follow the pitch contour in a pitch data file to create a spectrum | REPITCH SYNTH |
Fractal distortion by superimposing miniature 'wavecycle' copies | DISTORT FRACTAL |
Fraction of zero-crossings counted and displayed | SNDINFNO ZCROSS |
Freeze a pitch-synchronised FOF within a sound, with optional vibrato | PSOW SUSTAIN |
Freeze a time-specified FOF within a sound, with optional vibrato | PSOW SUSTAIN2 |
Freeze a segment of a sound by iteration in a fluid manner | EXTEND FREEZE |
Freeze spectral characteristics during given times | FOCUS FREEZE |
Freeze spectrum at regular time intervals | FOCUS STEP |
Frequency (centre) of a specified analysis channel | SPECINFO FREQUENCY |
G |
Back to Alphabet |
Gain applied to amplify or attenuate the spectrum | SPEC GAIN |
Gain in dB applied to a soundfile | MODIFY LOUDNESS Mode 2 |
Gain ratio applied to a soundfile | MODIFY LOUDNESS Mode 1 |
Gate at zero to find soundfile cut points | HOUSEKEEP GATE |
Gate to remove low-level sound from a signal | GATE |
Gated elimination of channel data below a given threshold amplitude | SPEC GATE |
Gated extraction of significant sound from a recording | HOUSEKEEP EXTRACT |
Generate a chord from a simple waveform | SYNTH CHORD |
Generate a list of frequencies for use in a filterbank | FILTER BANKFRQS |
Generate a new sound from pitch information & a single-moment-formant | ONEFORM COMBINE |
Generate a spectrum from pitch & formant data components | COMBINE MAKE |
Generate a spectrum out of pitch, formant & envelope data components | COMBINE MAKE2 |
Generate a texture of grains made from a source sound or sounds | NEWTEX NEWTEX |
Generate binary pitch data from a textfile of time midi value pairs | REPITCH GENERATE |
Generate both channels of a stereo spectral band | SYNTH SPECTRA |
Generate complex spectra from fundamental and partial balance information | NEWSYNTH SYNTHESIS |
Generate randomised VARIBANK fixed filterbank files | FILTRAGE FILTRAGE Mode 1 |
Generate randomised VARIBANK time-varying filterbank files | FILTRAGE FILTRAGE Mode 2 |
Generate simultaneous repetition cycles, shifting focus from one to another | SHIFTER SHIFTER |
Generate the spectral 'mean' of 2 sounds | COMBINE MEAN |
GET a formant-envelope at a specific time in an existing CDP formant file | ONEFORM GET |
Get FOF-grain at an exact grain time | PSOW CUTATGRAIN |
Get harmonic partials: extract relative amplitudes of partials in a pitched source | GET_PARTIALS HARMONIC |
Get level information for several soundfiles | SNDINFO MAXI |
Get level information regarding a mix defined in a mixfile | SUBMIX GETLEVEL |
Get maximum level in a soundfile | SNDINFO MAXSAMP |
Get maximum level in a soundfile between specified time points | SNDINFO MAXSAMP2 |
Get pitch from spectral analysis data, insofar as this is possible | REPITCH GETPITCH |
Glide with linear interpolation between 2 single analysis windows | MORPH GLIDE |
Gliss[andi] created inside the (changing) spectral envelope | STRANGE GLIS |
Glissando of pitches (with time-varying breakpoint file) | MODIFY SPEED |
Grab FOF-grains from a soundfile | PSOW GRAB |
Grab a single analysis window and save as a separate file | SPEC GRAB |
Granular synthesis and sound transformations | MODIFY BRASSAGE |
GrainMill graphic granular synthesis and sound
transformations with built-in graphic breakpoint file editor (Windows 95 systems) |
Graphic EQ in spectral domain | HILITE GREQ |
Group soundfiles in various ways, saving their names in a textfile | HOUSEKEEP BUNDLE |
H |
Back to Alphabet |
Harmonic partials extracted from a pitched source | GET_PARTIALS HARMONIC |
Harmonics, reinforce them in vocal-type FOF material | PSOW REINFORCE |
Harmonics of specified pitches replace spectral frequencies, time-varying with filtering | TUNEVARY TUNEVARY |
'Harmonics' superimposed onto 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT HARMONIC |
Hear binary pitch file as a test tone | PITCHINFO HEAR |
Hilite vowels and impose on a soundfile | HILITE VOWELS |
Hold the sound spectrum steady for specified durations, at given times | FOCUS HOLD |
Hoverover a portion of the sound in a zig-zag motion | |
id="II">I |
Back to Alphabet |
Impose amplitude envelope (various types) onto a sound | ENVEL REPLACE |
Impose amplitude envelope, scaling its (breakpoint) times to the duration of the soundfile | ENVEL SCALED |
Impose envelope shapes on 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT ENVEL |
Impose evolving formants in formantfile onto another sound | FORMANTS PUT |
Impose FOF material from sound 1 onto sound 2 | PSOW IMPOSE |
Impose formants from one sound onto another | FORMANTS VOCODE |
Impose new features on a vocal-type FOF-grain soundfile, transposition, vibrato and hoarseness | PSOW FEATURES |
Impose regular pulsations on a sound | DISTORT PULSED |
Impose Impose the channel amplitudes of inanalfile2 onto the channel frequencies of inanalfile1 | SPECSPHINX SPECSPHINX Mode 1 |
Impose the formant-envelope in a single-moment-formants datafile onto the sound in an analysis file | ONEFORM PUT |
Impose transposition on input analysis file (same duration & spectral envelope moves) | REPITCH TRANSPOSE |
Impose transposition on input analysis file (same duration & keep original spectral envelope) | REPITCH TRANSPOSEF |
Impose vowels on a soundfile | HILITE VOWELS |
Impose vocal FOFs on a stream of synthesised sound | PSOW SYNTH |
Information display about pitch data in a binary pitch file | PITCHINFO INFO |
Inbetween sounds created | SUBMIX INBETWEEN |
Inbetween sounds created through interpolation pegged to zero-crossings | SUBMIX INBETWEEN2 |
Insert many silences into a soundfile | MANYSIL |
Insert one sound into another (overwrite or spread) | SFEDIT INSERT |
Insert soundfile, overwriting part of original | SFEDIT REPLACE |
Insert silence into a sound (overwrite or spread) | SFEDIT INSIL |
Interaction of 'wavecycles' of two sounds to cause distortion | DISTORT INTERACT |
Interleave FOFs from two different files | PSOW INTERLEAVE |
Interleave leafsize sets of windows from 2 or more files | COMBINE INTERLEAVE |
Interleave mono files to make a multi-channel soundfile | SUBMIX INTERLEAVE |
Interleave mono or stereo files to make a multi-channel soundfile | INTERLX |
Interpolate between 2 FOF-grains acquired with PSOW GRAB (with duration = 0) | PSOW INTERP |
Interpolate partials between pitched analysis files | SPECROSS |
Interpolate 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT INTERPOLATE |
Interpolation pegged to zero-crossings used to create 'inbetween' soundfiles | SUBMIX INBETWEEN2 |
Invert phase of a sound | PHASE Mode 1 |
Invert phase of one channel of a sound | CHANPHASE CHANPHASE |
Invert the pitch contour of a pitch data file | REPITCH INVERT |
Invert the spectrum of a sound | STRANGE INVERT |
Isolate 'grains' (such as vocal syllables) and manipulate them | GRAIN GREV |
Isolate or generate a sound packet | PACKET PACKET |
Iterate an input sound, following a transposition line | ITERLINE ITERLINE |
Iterate an input sound set, following a transposition line | ITERLINE ITERLINEF |
Iterate a soundfile, scattering in multi-channel space | MCHITER ITER |
Iterate a soundfile with subtle variations | EXTEND ITERATE |
Iterate a sound with cumulative filtering by a bank of filters | FILTER ITERATED |
Iterate (already) repeating material within a soundfile, thereby extending it | GRAIN R_EXTEND |
J |
Back to Alphabet |
Join soundfile back to back, first backwards then forwards (original) | EXTEND BAKTOBAK |
Join sounds together, one after another | SFEDIT JOIN |
Join soundfiles in loudness-patterned sequence | SFEDIT JOINDYN |
Join soundfiles in patterned sequence | SFEDIT JOINSEQ |
K |
Back to Alphabet |
Keep maximum amplitude channel from each channel of 2 or more files | COMBINE MAX |
Keep N loudest channels in an analysis file | BLUR TRACE |
L |
Back to Alphabet |
Length of a sound, analysis, envelope, ptich, formant or transposition file | SNDINFO LEN |
Lengths of several soundfiles listed | SNDINFO LENS |
Level information for a mix defined in a mixfile | SUBMIX GETLEVEL |
Level of an analysis file converted for viewing | SPECINFO LEVEL |
List all CDP-format files in current folder (directory), with their properties | DIRSF |
List soundfiles and convert to a basic mixfile on a timed grid, for editing | SUBMIX ONGRID |
Locate exact start time of the nearest FOF-grain | PSOW LOCATE |
Locate peaks of time-varying energy centre of spectrum | SPECINFO PEAK |
Loop by repeating (advancing) segments inside a soundfile | EXTEND LOOP |
Loudest channel of a stereo file shown | SNDINFO LOUDCHAN |
Loudness and time-varying balance changes to a mixfile | SUBMIX FADERS |
Loudness or balance changes to a soundfile | MODIFY LOUDNESS |
Lower Resolution of a soundfile | MODIFY RADICAL Mode 4 |
M |
Back to Alphabet |
Magnify a single analysis window by extending its duration | SPEC MAGNIFY |
Make a sequence from one soundfile by repeating it, with timed transpositions (overlaps possible) | EXTEND SEQUENCE |
Make a sequence from several soundfiles by repeating them, with timed transpositions (overlaps possible) | EXTEND SEQUENCE2 |
Make a spectrum out of pitch & formant data components | COMBINE MAKE |
Make a spectrum out of pitch, formant & envelope data components | COMBINE MAKE2 |
Make a spectrum by following the pitch contour in a pitch data file | REPITCH SYNTH |
Make binary pitch data from a textfile of time midi value pairs | REPITCH GENERATE |
Make text datafiles for use with fixed-pitch FILTER VARIBANK filters | FILTER VFILTERS |
Manipulate 'grains' (such as vocal syllables) | GRAIN GREV |
Mark areas as silent in a pitch data file | REPITCH INSERTSIL |
Mark areas as unpitched in a pitch data file | REPITCH INSERTZEROS |
Mask specified chunks of sound, overlaying them with silence | SFEDIT MASKS |
Massage pitch data in a binary pitch data file | REPITCH FIX |
Maximum amplitude value in each channel retained from 2 or more files | COMBINE MAX |
Maximum sample level displayed, along with gain information | SNDINFO MAXSAMP |
Mean of 2 spectra is generated | COMBINE MEAN |
Merge mono files to make a multichannel soundfile | SUBMIX INTERLEAVE |
Merge several soundfiles into one via a quick mix (same number of channels) | SUBMIX MERGEMANY |
Merge two soundfiles into one via a quick mix (same number of channels) | SUBMIX MERGE |
Mirror by inverting stereo positions in a stereo soundfile | MODIFY SPACE Mode 2 |
Mirror channel output around a specified mirror-plane | FRAME SHIFT Mode 4 |
Mirror Pan by inverting stereo positions in a pan data file | MODIFY SPACE Mode 3 |
Mix sounds as instructed in a mono or stereo mixfile | SUBMIX MIX |
Mix sounds as instructed in a multi-channel mixfile | NEWMIX MULTICHAN |
Mix tranposed versions of a soundfile, so that they are on top of one another | MODIFY STACK |
Mix two multi-channel soundfiles, with optional offset | NMIX |
Mix two soundfiles into one via a quick mix | SUBMIX MERGE |
Mix two soundfiles into one, balancing the two levels with an inverse function | SUBMIX BALANCE |
Mixfile: make various alterations to See: Attenuate, Dummy, Fileformat, Getlevel, Shuffle, Spacewarp, Test & Timewarp |
Back to Alphabet |
Mix with pan positions automatically readjusted, dependent on soundfile start times | SUBMIX PAN |
Model a mixfile by replacing its soundfiles with new ones | SUBMIX MODEL |
Modify the shape of 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT REFORM |
Modify WAVE_EX header to change GUID and/or speaker positions | CHXFORMAT |
Morph between dissimilar spectra | NEWMORPH NEWMORPH 7 Modes |
Morph between dissimilar spectra, using a peaksfile | NEWMORPH2 NEWMORPH2 Modes 2-3 |
Morph one spectrum into another | MORPH MORPH |
Move a mono sound around a multi-channel space | MCHANPAN Mode 1 |
Multi-channel toolkit, including handling WAVE-EX formats | MCTOOLS |
Multiply the spectra of two analysis files | SPECSPHINX SPECSPHINX Mode 2 |
Multiply 'wavecycle' frequencies to cause distortion | DISTORT MULTIPLY |
N |
Back to Alphabet |
Narrow the stereo image of a sound | MODIFY SPACE Mode 4 |
Noise found in vocal material and extended | GRAIN NOISE_EXTEND |
Noise in a soundfile replaced by silence | SFEDIT NOISECUT |
Noise isolated and marked in a pitch data file | REPITCH INSERTZEROS |
Noise replaced by by pitch interpolated from existing pitches in a pitch data file | REPITCH INTERP |
Normalise a soundfile (bring to maximum amplitude) | MODIFY LOUDNESS Mode 3 |
O |
Back to Alphabet |
Octave-transpose spectral components into specified range | FOCUS FOLD |
Octave-transpose without formant shift | PITCH OCTMOVE |
Omit a proportion of the grains in a grainy sounds | GRAIN OMIT |
Omit 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT OMIT |
Overlap cut disjunct segments of a soundfile | ISOLATE ISOLATE Mode 5 |
Overload a sound to create noise by clipping or by a time-varying waveform | DISTORT OVERLOAD |
Overwrite part of a soundfile by inserting another one | SFEDIT REPLACE |
P |
Back to Alphabet |
Packet of sound generated | PACKET PACKET |
Pan by positioning or moving a mono sound in a stereo field | MODIFY SPACE Mode 1 |
Pan applied to a whole mixfile, such that sounds get repositioned depending on their start times | SUBMIX PAN |
Pan a soundfile, scaling pan times to soundfile duration | MODIFY SCALED |
Pan a soundfile in a sinusoidal pattern | MODIFY SPACEFORM |
Pan, find stereo pan-position of a sound in a (moving) stereo file | MODIFY FINDPAN |
Pan from one channel configuration to another, passing through surround-mono | MCHANPAN Mode 7 |
Pan sounds around a multi-channel space | MCHANPAN |
Partials interpolated between pitched analysis files | SPECROSS PARTIALS |
Partition a mono soundfile into disjunct waveset block-groups | PARTITION PARTITION |
Partition a soundfile into a sequence of 'windows' separated by silence | ENVEL TIMEGRID |
Partition Partition a spectrum into parts, over a grid | SPECGRIDS SPECGRIDS |
Partition a spectrum randomly into bins and play back in order | GLISTEN GLISTEN |
Peaks found and extracted | PEAK EXTRACT |
Peaks in a sound, times of found | PEAKFIND |
Peaks of time-varying energy centre of spectrum located | SPECINFO PEAK |
Phase of one channel of a sound is inverted | CHANPHASE CHANPHASE |
Phase invert in a sound | PHASE Mode 1 |
Phasing filter or effect in a sound | FILTER PHASING |
Pick out and retain channels with specified partials | PITCH PICK (5 Modes) |
Pitch contour in a pitch data file followed while creating a spectrum with vowel sounds | REPITCH VOWELS |
Pitch made continuous by interpolating across noise or silence from existing pitches | REPITCH INTERP |
Pitch-shifted repetitions of a mono soundfile placed on a path into and across an 8-channel array, suggesting a doppler shift |
Pitch-shifted repetitions of a mono soundfile placed on a path into and across an 8-channel array, suggesting a doppler shift, with filtering, suggesting greater distance |
Pitched analysis files, interpolate partials of | SPECROSS |
Pitched component removed from the spectrum of a sound | SPECNU REMOVE |
Pitchshift soundfile with Brassage pitch parameter | MODIFY BRASSAGE Mode 1 |
Pitchshift spectral file, creating inharmonic relationships | STRANGE SHIFT |
Pitchshift spectral file, retaining harmonic relationships | PITCH TRANSP |
Pitchshift spectral data file, altering harmonic relationships | REPITCH PCHSHIFT |
Pitchwarp 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT PITCH |
Place filtered repetitions of a mono soundfile on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT FILTERED |
Place pitch-shifted repetitions of a mono soundfile on a path into and across an 8-channel array, suggesting a doppler shift |
Place pitch-shifted repetitions of a mono soundfile on a path into and across an 8-channel array, suggesting a doppler shift, with filtering, suggesting greater distance |
Place repetitions of a mono soundfile on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT SIMPLE |
Play a CDP soundfile or multi-channel soundfile | PAPLAY |
Play a CDP soundfile, multi-channel soundfile or analysis file | PVPLAY |
Play a sequence of mono soundfiles along a tangent path | TANGENT SEQUENCE |
Play a sequence of mono soundfiles along a tangent path, as listed in a textfile | TANGENT LIST |
Play repeats of a mono soundfile along a tangent path | TANGENT ONEFILE |
Play repeats of two synchronised mono soundfiles along a tangent path | TANGENT TWOFILES |
Pluck effect on onset of partials | HILITE PLUCK |
Pluck effect on start of a sound's amplitude envelope | ENVEL PLUCK |
Position a sequence of mono soundfiles (at least 3) on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT SEQUENCE |
Position a sequence of mono soundfiles listed in a textfile on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT LIST |
Prefix silence to the beginning of a soundfile | PREFIX SILENCE |
Print data in analysis file as textfile | SPECINFO PRINT |
Print sample values (Care! Large files!!) | SNDINFO PRNTSND |
Produce a sequence from one soundfile by repeating it, with timed transpositions (overlaps possible) | EXTEND SEQUENCE |
Produce a sequence from several soundfiles by repeating them, with timed transpositions (overlaps possible) | EXTEND SEQUENCE2 |
Pulsations of the same length imposed on a sound | DISTORT PULSED |
Put amplitude envelope (various types) onto a sound | ENVEL REPLACE |
Put evolving formants in formant file onto another sound | FORMANTS PUT |
Put formants from one sound onto another | FORMANTS VOCODE |
Put noise into the spectrum | BLUR NOISE |
Put the formant-envelope in a single-moments-formants datafile onto the sound in an analysis file | ONEFORM PUT |
Q |
Back to Alphabet |
Quadraphonic sound files | ABFPAN |
Quantise pitches in a binary pitch data file via a file of MIDI pitch values | REPITCH QUANTISE |
Query whether a binary pitch file contains unpitched windows (zeroes) | PITCHINFO ZEROS |
R |
Back to Alphabet |
Radical changes: see Reverse, Shred, Scrub, Lower
Resolution, Ring Modulate & Cross Modulate |
Random chunks cut and saved as separate soundfiles | SFEDIT RANDCHUNKS |
Random cuts made and saved as separate soundfiles | SFEDIT RANDCUTS |
Randomise pitch line in a pitch data file | REPITCH RANDOMISE |
Randomise the order of spectral windows | SPECNU RAND |
Randomly partition the spectrum into bins and play back in order | GLISTEN GLISTEN |
Rearrange and retime events within a soundfile | RETIME (14 Modes) |
Record a soundfile into the computer in .wav or .aif format | RECSF |
Reflections, create early for reverb data and store as a file | ROOMRESP |
Reform 'wavecycle' shapes to cause distortion | DISTORT REFORM |
Regularly repeating distortion pulsations | DISTORT PULSED |
Regularly repeating envelope shapes to create a shuddering effect | MODIFY SHUDDER |
Reinforce harmonics in vocal-type FOF material | PSOW REINFORCE |
Remotif by changing the pitch and rhythm of grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN REMOTIF |
Remove a pitched component from the spectrum of a sound | SPECNU REMOVE |
Remove clicks from start or end of a soundfile | HOUSEKEEP ENDCLICKS |
Remove existing (numbered) copies of a soundfile | HOUSEKEEP REMOVE |
Reorder grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN REORDER |
Reorder soundfile channels in a multi-channel soundfile | CHORDER |
Repeat a soundfile gradually synchronising the repeats in several cycles | CERACU CERACU |
Repeat a sound, making echoes by timing and level adjustments between repeats | SFECHO ECHO |
Repeat a sound, shortening it on each repetition | SHRINK SHRINK |
Repeat simultaneous cycles, shifting focus from one to another | SHIFTER SHIFTER |
Repeat 'wavecycles', timestretching and causing distortion | DISTORT REPEAT |
Repeat 'wavecycles' below a specified frequency, timestretching and causing distortion | DISTORT REPLIM |
Repeat with spatial variations source soundfile(s) by randomly deleting items | MADRID MADRID |
Repeats of a mono soundfile played along a tangent path | TANGENT ONEFILE |
Repeats of two synchronised mono soundfiles played along a tangent path | TANGENT TWOFILES |
Repetitions of a mono soundfile placed on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT SIMPLE |
Repetitions, filtered, of a mono soundfile placed on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT FILTERED |
Repetitions, pitch-shifted, of a mono soundfile placed on a path into and across an 8-channel array, suggesting a doppler shift |
Repetitions, pitch-shifted, of a mono soundfile placed on a path into and across an 8-channel array, suggesting a doppler shift, with filtering, suggesting greater distance |
Repitch grains (i.e., transpose) in a grainy sound | GRAIN REPITCH |
Replace amplitude envelope of a sound (various formats) | ENVEL REPLACE |
Replace FOF-grains in sound 2 with those of sound 1 | PSOW REPLACE |
Replace noise or silence by pitch interpolated from existing pitches in a pitch data file | REPITCH INTERP |
Replace part of a soundfile by overwriting with another soundfile | SFEDIT REPLACE |
Replace pitched windows by silence (reveals noise: consonants) | REPITCH PITCHTOSIL |
Replace soundfiles in an existing mixfile | SUBMIX MODEL |
Replace spectral amplitudes of first file with those of second | COMBINE CROSS |
Replace spectral envelope of first file with that of the second | FORMANTS VOCODE |
Replace spectral frequencies by harmonics of specified pitch(es) | PITCH TUNE |
Replace spectral frequencies by harmonics of specified pitch(es), time-varying with filtering | TUNEVARY TUNEVARY |
Replace spectral windows with the most similar, louder window(s) | SELFSIM SELFSIM |
Replace unpitched windows by silence (reveals pitch: vowels) | REPITCH NOISETOSIL |
Replace 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT REPLACE |
Report location of frequency peaks in evolving spectrum | SPECINFO REPORT |
Report RMS and average power level statistics | RMSINFO |
Reposition FOF-grains, thereby time-stretching and transposing a soundfile | PSOW STRETCH |
Reposition the grain-onsets in a grainy sound | GRAIN REPOSITION |
Rerhythm the grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN RERHYTHM |
Reshape 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT REFORM |
Re-synthesise a spectral analysis file to form a soundfile | PVOC SYNTH |
Retain only the channels which might hold specified partials | PITCH PICK (5 Modes) |
Retime and rearrange events within a soundfile | RETIME (14 Modes) |
Retain only the N loudest partials, window by window | HILITE TRACE |
Reverberate a soundfile in multi-channel space | MCHANREV |
Reverberate a soundfile in various ways | MODIFY REVECHO |
Reverberate a soundfile using Brassage parameters | MODIFY BRASSAGE Mode 3 |
Reverberation applied with comprehensive parameter control | REVERB |
Reverberation with multi-channel capacity and room simulation | ROOMVERB |
Reverse the direction of play of a soundfile | MODIFY RADICAL Mode 1 |
Reverse the order of grains in a grainy sound, but not the grains themselves | GRAIN REVERSE |
Reverse 'wavecycles' in groups to cause distortion | DISTORT REVERSE |
Ring Modulate a soundfile | MODIFY RADICAL Mode 5 |
Room simulation for applying reverberation | ROOMVERB |
Rotate a mono soundfile around a multi-channel space | MCHANPAN Mode 9 |
Rotate a process around a multi-channel space (Sound Loom only) | MCHANPAN Mode 8 |
Rotate the whole frame of a multi-channel soundfile | FRAME SHIFT Modes 1-2 |
S |
Back to Alphabet |
Sausage for brassage with more than one input soundfile | MODIFY SAUSAGE |
Scale envelope times to the duration of a soundfile | ENVEL SCALED |
Scale pan data to soundfile duration | MODIFY SCALEPAN |
Scatter by randomly thinning out the spectrum | BLUR SCATTER |
Scatter iterations aound a multi-channel space | MCHITER ITER |
Scramble by reading (forwards) at zigzagging time points | EXTEND SCRAMBLE |
Scramble soundfile via grainsize and search range | MODIFY BRASSAGE Mode 4 |
Scrub a soundfile by moving slowly across a 'play head' | MODIFY RADICAL Mode 3 |
See a pitch or transposition file with a soundfile viewer | PITCHINFO SEE |
Segments of a sound repeat and are spliced together | EXTEND DOUBLETS |
Separate vocal syllables in a soundfile | SFEDIT SYLLABLES |
Sequence of mono soundfiles played along a tangent path | TANGENT SEQUENCE |
Sequence of mono soundfiles played along a tangent path, as listed in a textfile | TANGENT LIST |
Sequence of mono soundfiles (at least 3) positioned on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT SEQUENCE |
Sequence of mono soundfiles listed in a textfile positioned on a path into and across an 8-channel array | TRANSIT LIST |
Sequence one soundfile by repeating it, with timed transpositions (overlaps possible) | EXTEND SEQUENCE |
Sequence several soundfiles by repeating them, with timed transpositions (overlaps possible) | EXTEND SEQUENCE2 |
Set Level of a soundfile to max or specified level | MODIFY LOUDNESS Mode 4 |
Shift frequencies of spectrum, altering harmonic relationships | STRANGE SHIFT (5 Modes) |
Shift pitch of spectrum, altering harmonic relationships | REPITCH PCHSHIFT (5 Modes) |
Shift pitch of (part of) spectrum, retaining harmonic relationships | PITCH TRANSP (6 Modes) |
Shorten a repeating sound on each repetition | SHRINK SHRINK |
Shorten a soundfile by fading to zero at some time within it | ENVEL CURTAIL |
Shorten the silences that occur within a soundfile | CONSTRICT |
Show available disk space | HOUSEKEEP DISK |
Show conversions between various types of value or musical units | SNDINFO UNITS |
Show duration of sound, analysis, envelope, pitch, formant or transposition file | SNDINFO LEN |
Show durations of a list of soundfiles | SNDINFO LENS |
Show loudest channel of a stereo file shown | SNDINFO LOUDCHAN |
Show maximum level and gain information for a soundfile | SNDINFO MAXSAMP |
Show properties of a soundfile | SNDINFO PROPS |
Show soundfile details, with WAVE-EX speaker positions | SFPROPS |
Shred a soundfile | MODIFY RADICAL Mode 2 |
Shrink (or stretch) the duration of a grainy sound, without altering the grains | GRAIN TIMEWARP |
Shuffle the data in a mixfile | SUBMIX SHUFFLE |
Shuffle the order of the analysis windows in a file | BLUR SHUFFLE |
Shuffle 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT SHUFFLE |
Silence created by replacing noise in a pitch data file | REPITCH NOISETOSIL |
Silence in a soundfile placed between a series of timed segments | ENVEL TIMEGRID |
Silence in a soundfile inserted in place of noise | SFEDIT NOISECUT |
Silence inserted into a sound (overwriting or spreading) | SFEDIT INSIL |
Silence isolated and marked in a pitch data file | REPITCH INSERTSIL |
Silence masking specified chunks of a soundfile | SFEDIT MASKS |
Silence added to the beginning of a soundfile | PREFIX SILENCE |
Silence added to the end of a soundfile | SILEND SILEND |
Silence replaced by by pitch interpolated from existing pitches in a pitch data file | REPITCH INTERP |
Silences insert many into a soundfile | MANYSIL |
Silences within a soundfile (any zero-level sections) reduced in length | CONSTRICT |
Silent sound soundfile, generate a | SYNTH SILENCE |
Slice an analysis file into individual frequency bands, saving each as separate files | SPECNU SLICE |
Smooth pitch contour in a pitch data file | REPITCH SMOOTH |
Sort files into categories | HOUSEKEEP SORT |
Spacewarp a mixfile (alter spatial distribution of sounds) | SUBMIX SPACEWARP |
Spatial alterations: see Pan, Mirror, Mirror Pan & Narrow | MODIFY SPACE |
Spatial distribution in a sinusoidal pattern | MODIFY SPACEFORM |
Spatially syncopate repetitions of the source soundfile(s) by randomly deleting items | MADRID |
Spectra (complex) generated from fundamental and partial balance information | NEWSYNTH SYNTHESIS |
Spectra generate tones spread across a spectral band | SYNTH SPECTRA |
Spectral band sustained until louder data appears in that band | SUPERACCU SUPERACCU |
Spectrum created with vowel sounds, following the pitch contour in a pitch data file | REPITCH VOWELS |
Spectrum randomly partitioned into bins and play back in order | GLISTEN GLISTEN |
Spectrum stretch of frequencies | STRETCH SPECTRUM |
Splice a sound that repeats with timed transpositions, creating a sequence | JOIN |
Splice several sounds with loudness-pattern | SFEDIT JOINDYN |
Splice several sounds in a patterned sequence, altering the order, with repeats | SFEDIT JOINSEQ |
Splice together repeating segments of a sound | EXTEND DOUBLETS |
Split alternating FOF-grains between different spatial locations | PSOW SPACE |
Split vocal FOF-grains into subharmonic and upwardly transposed regions | PSOW REPLACE |
Spread the energy peaks in the spectrum, introducing controlled noisiness | BLUR SPREAD |
Spread source gradually from a centre, across several channels | MCHANPAN Mode 4 |
Squeeze the spectrum into a frequency range, around a specified frequency | SPECNU SQUEEZE |
Stack several transpositions of a soundfile on top of one another | MODIFY STACK |
Stadium echoes | MODIFY REVECHO Mode 3 |
Step-frame by freezing spectrum at regular time intervals | FOCUS STEP |
Stretch by repositioning FOF-grains, which are not themselves time-stretched | PSOW STRETCH |
Stretch (or shrink) the duration of a grainy sound, without altering the grains | GRAIN TIMEWARP |
Stretch the frequencies in the spectrum | STRETCH SPECTRUM |
Stretch time of input file (without changing the pitch) | STRETCH TIME |
Stretch vocal-type FOF-grains by repositioning them with overlap | PSOW STRTRANS |
Subtract one (mono) soundfile from another (which may be multi-channel) | SUBTRACT SUBTRACT |
Subtract the amplitude of the noise from any source file signal above a threshold | SPECNU SUBTRACT |
Sum the durations of several soundfiles | SNDINFO SUMLEN |
Suppress the N loudest partials (on a window-by-window basis) | BLUR SUPPRESS |
Sustain a spectral band until louder data appears in that band | SUPERACCU SUPERACCU |
Sustain a pitch-synchronised FOF-grain within a sound a freeze effect, with optional vibrato | PSOW SUSTAIN |
Sustain a time-specified FOF within a sound a freeze effect, with optional vibrato | PSOW SUSTAIN2 |
Sweep filter focus-frequency over a range | FILTER SWEEPING |
Swell volume up to and down from a peak moment | ENVEL SWELL |
Sum of two spectra | COMBINE SUM |
Swap any pair of channels in a multi-channel setup | FRAME SHIFT Mode 4 |
Switch (silence-separated) events antiphonally between 2 channels | MCHANPAN Mode 5 |
Switch sounds (in 1 or more files) antiphonally between 2 channels | MCHANPAN Mode 6 |
Switch (silence-separated) mono events between channels | MCHANPAN Mode 2 |
Switch (silence-separated) mono events randomly between channels | MCHANPAN Mode 10 |
Syllables in a soundfile identified and separated with a user-defined cuttimes file | SFEDIT SYLLABLES |
Syllables in a soundfile ('grains') isolated and manipulated | GRAIN GREV |
Synchronise, gradually after several cycles, repeats of a soundfile | CERACU CERACU |
Synchronise grain-onsets in two grainy sounds | GRAIN ALIGN |
Synchronise sound attacks into a mixfile | SUBMIX SYNCATTACK |
Synchronise sounds into a mixfile | SUBMIX SYNC |
Syncopate spatially the repetitions of the source soundfile(s) by randomly deleting items | MADRID MADRID |
Syntax check on a mixfile | SUBMIX TEST |
Synthesise a chord from a simple waveform | SYNTH CHORD |
Synthesise a spectral analysis data file to form a soundfile | PVOC SYNTH |
Synthesise a sound, adding vocal FOFs to it | PSOW SYNTH |
Synthesise noise | SYNTH NOISE |
Synthesise silence (make a silent soundfile) | SYNTH SILENCE |
Synthesise spectrum by following the pitch contour in a pitch data file | REPITCH SYNTH |
Synthesise waveforms (Sine, Saw, Square or Ramp) | SYNTH WAVE |
T |
Back to Alphabet |
Tapdelay multi-tap delay line | TAPDELAY |
Telescope 'wavecycles' to cause distortion | DISTORT TELESCOPE |
Test that the syntax of a mixfile is correct | SUBMIX TEST |
Text datafiles made for use with fixed-pitch FILTER VARIBANK filters | FILTER VFILTERS |
Text file made from binary pitch data | REPITCH PCHTOTEXT |
Texture of decorated events generated from one or more sounds | TEXTURE DECORATED |
Texture of events generated from one or more sounds | TEXTURE SIMPLE |
Texture of event-groups generated from one or more sounds | TEXTURE GROUPED |
Texture of events with user-specified ornaments | TEXTURE ORNATE |
Texture of events with user-specified pre-ornaments | TEXTURE PREORNATE |
Texture of events with user-specified post-ornaments | TEXTURE POSTORNATE |
Texture of grains made from a source sound or sounds | NEWTEX NEWTEX |
Texture of pre-decorated events generated from one or more sounds | TEXTURE PREDECOR |
Texture of post-decorated events generated from one or more sounds | TEXTURE POSTDECOR |
Texture of timed events | TEXTURE TIMED |
Texture of timed event-groups | TEXTURE TGROUPED |
Texture of user-specified motifs | TEXTURE MOTIFS |
Texture of user-specified motifs, timed | TEXTURE TMOTIFS |
Texture of user-specified motifs, forced onto harmonic fields | TEXTURE MOTIFSIN |
Texture of user-specified motifs, timed, forced onto harmonic fields | TEXTURE TMOTIFSIN |
Textures of events over a multi-channel frame | TEXMCHAN TEXMCHAN |
Timed grid in a basic mixfile filled with listed soundfiles, for editing | SUBMIX ONGRID |
Timestretch by repeating 'wavecycles', causing distortion | DISTORT REPEAT |
Timestretch by repeating 'wavecycles' below a specified frequency, causing distortion | DISTORT REPLIM |
Timestretch by repeating FOF-grains in a FOF-grain soundfile | PSOW DUPL |
Timestretch by repeating grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN DUPLICATE |
Timestretch by repeating motifs applied to grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN REMOTIF Mode 2 |
Timestretch by repeating pitch transpositions applied to grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN REPITCH Mode 2 |
Timestretch by repeating rhythms applied to grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN RERHYTHM Mode 2 |
Timestretch by repositioning FOF-grains, which are not themselves time-stretched | PSOW STRETCH |
Timestretch vocal-type FOF-grains by repositioning them with overlap | PSOW STRTRANS |
Timestretch first noise component found in vocal material | GRAIN NOISE_EXTEND |
Timestretch in the spectral domain | STRETCH TIME |
Timestretch with Brassage velocity parameter | MODIFY BRASSAGE Mode 2 |
Timewarp the data in a mixfile | SUBMIX TIMEWARP |
Timewarp the duration of a grainy sound without changing the length of the grains | GRAIN TIMEWARP |
Top & Tail significant sound within a soundfile | HOUSEKEEP EXTRACT Mode 3 |
Trace sound by retaining only the N loudest partials (window by window) | HILITE TRACE |
Transpose a FOF-grain soundfile by duplicating the grains | PSOW DUPL |
Transpose pitch data in a pitch data file, altering harmonic relationships | REPITCH PCHSHIFT |
Transpose pitch of grains in a grainy sound | GRAIN REPITCH |
Transpose pitch of pitch data file (same duration & spectral envelope moves) | REPITCH TRANSPOSE |
Transpose pitch of pitch data file (same duration & keep original spectral envelope) | REPITCH TRANSPOSEF |
Transpose soundfile, changing pitch and duration | MODIFY SPEED |
Transpose soundfile several times and mix, to place the transposed versions on top of one another | MODIFY STACK |
Transpose vocal-type FOF-grains by repositioning them with overlap | PSOW STRTRANS |
Tremolo a sound (frequency oscillation) | ENVEL TREMOLO |
Tremolo added to a multi-channel soundfile | FLUTTER FLUTTER |
Tremolo with width-control applied to a soundfile | TREMOLO TREMOLO |
Tune spectral frequencies to the harmonics of specified pitches | PITCH TUNE |
Tune spectral frequencies with harmonics of specified pitch(es), time-varying with filtering | TUNEVARY TUNEVARY |
U |
Back to Alphabet |
Units conversions | SNDINFO UNITS (23 Modes) |
V |
Back to Alphabet |
VARIBANK text datafiles made for use with fixed-pitch FILTER VARIBANK filters | FILTER VFILTERS |
Varispeed information | MODIFY SPEED Mode 3 |
Varispeed semitone information | MODIFY SPEED Mode 4 |
Varying delay line | MODIFY REVECHO Mode 2 |
Vibrato a sound | MODIFY SPEED Mode 6 |
Vibrato added to pitch in a pitch data file | REPITCH VIBRATO |
View data in a pitch or transposition file as a pseudo-soundfile, conversion for | PITCHINFO SEE |
View soundfile data, with zoom to sample accuracy | VIEWSF |
Vocal syllables in a soundfile identified and separated | SFEDIT SYLLABLES |
Vocal syllables in a soundfile isolated and manipulated | GRAIN GREV |
Vocode by imposing formants from 2nd sound onto 1st | FORMANTS VOCODE |
Vowels imposed on a soundfile | HILITE VOWELS |
Vowel sounds used to create a spectrum, following the pitch contour in a pitch data file | REPITCH VOWELS |
W |
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Warp envelope in a text breakpoint file (15 options) | ENVEL REPLOT |
Warp envelope in a binary envelope file (15 options) | ENVEL RESHAPING |
Warp envelope of a soundfile (15 options) | ENVEL WARP |
Waver between harmonic and inharmonic states | STRANGE WAVER |
Wavesets from a mono soundfile partitioned into disjunct block-groups | PARTITION PARTITION |
Weave a route among the analysis windows of a file | BLUR WEAVE |
'Window' a soundfile into a series of segments separated by silence | ENVEL TIMEGRID |
Windows in an analysis file counted | SPECINFO WINDOWCNT |
Write a binary pitch file as a time frequency breakpoint text file | PITCHINFO CONVERT |
X |
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Y |
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Z |
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Zero a channel in a soundfile | HOUSEKEEP CHANNEL Mode 3 |
Zero amplitude gate for soundfile cut points | HOUSEKEEP GATE |
Zero-crossings, cut at and keep a segment from a MONO soundfile | SFEDIT ZCUT |
Zero-crossings, cut at and keep segments from a MONO soundfile | SFEDIT ZCUTS |
Zero-crossings, fraction of, counted and displayed | SNDINFNO ZCROSS |
Zeroes (i.e., unpitched windows) present in a binary pitch file? | PITCHINFO ZEROS |
Zigzag, reading backwards and forwards through a soundfile | EXTEND ZIGZAG |
Zigzag, hovering over a portion of a file at a given frequency | HOVER |
Zigzag while panning to a new channel in a multi-channel soundfile | MCHZIG ZAG |
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