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CDP is developed and maintained by an informal group of composers and programmers:
- Richard Dobson Software Maintenance and GitHub
- Dr. Archer Endrich Documentation, R&D Co-ordinator
- Prof. Rajmil Fischman Software Development
- Prof. John Ffitch Software, Tabula Vigilans and GitHub
- Dr. Robert Fraser Documentation Co-ordinator, Soundshaper
- Simon Kunath Internet Co-ordinator (Forum and Downloads)
- Dr. Trevor Wishart CDP-Wishart Libraries, Sound Loom
- Prof. Leigh Landy Advisor
- Dr. Adam Stanovic Advisor
- Dr. Kelcey Swain Advisor
The free download of CDP software has been made possible by the commitment and generosity of all involved with the evolution and running of CDP, including:
- Trevor Wishart the creative composer-programmer whose ideas and programming have been at the heart of the expanding software facilities since the 1990s.
- Richard Dobson the key figure in maintaining the software and compiling it for distribution.
- Archer Endrich has spent years working with the programmers to document the software and run the organisation.
- Robert Fraser developed the Soundshaper GUI over two decades and revised the documentation for HTML5 and PDF formats.
Since the free download, we have relied on donations to maintain the organisation and the software. We would like to acknowledge donations from Simon Kunath, Arthur Green, Stephen Goldstein, Tom DeLio, Richard Dobson, Carlos Gonzales Bolaños and Gregorio Lozano Galan.
The best way to share specific topics and problems is through the CDP Forum.
If you would prefer to email, please use this address, so that your query can be passed to the appropriate person:
CDP Email: composersdesktop(at)gmail.com
For specific enquiries:
General Queries / ProcessPack / Tabula VigilansArcher Endrich archerhgm(at)gmail.com
Own Website: https://www.hithergatemusic.com
Documentation / Soundshaper GUI (PC)Robert Fraser ensemble-software(at)hotmail.com
Own Website: https://www.soundshaper.net
Online ForumSimon Kunath sck(at)unstablesound.net
Own Website: http://www.unstablesound.net
Software Development/ AL-Erwin etc.Rajmil Fischman r.a.fischman(at)mus.keele.ac.uk
Own Website: http://www.keele.ac.uk/music/people/rajmilfischman
Software Maintenance and Development/ GitHubRichard Dobson richard(at)rwdobson.com
Own Website: http://www.rwdobson.com
Sound Loom GUI (MAC/PC)Trevor Wishart
Own Website: http://www.trevorwishart.co.ukPrivacy Policy
In line with government directives in force since 25 May 2018, CDP has revised its Privacy Policy. The text explains that since the advent of free downloads, CDP no longer maintains a database of users as it is impossible to do so. We do not send out 'mailshots'.
The Privacy Policy document describes in detail how any personal information is held and used.
Some invisible text to enable correct width. If there is not enough on the page to begin with, then this will pad it out with text of the same colour as the background and saying nothing in particular as verbosely as possible.